M&M Residential delivers high quality real estate valuations in several Northwest Regions (RMLS, WVMLS, NWMLS)

To place your order online, click here. Or feel free to call us to talk about your valuation needs 360-737-1800

No matter what type of real estate you possess, our experience and education as licensed appraisers make us qualified to provide home valuations in the Northwest for all our clients, ranging from national mortgage companies, to local lenders, individual businesses and personal consumers.

Whether you are funding a home purchase, or wanting one of the services below, call us today.
 For a home appraisal in Vancouver contact M & M Residential, Inc. at 360-737-1800

• Setting a home's listing price

• Lender Refinances or Home Purchase

• Valuations for bankruptcy, divorce and other court purposes

• Appraisals for relocation coordinators

• Tax Assessments (lowering property taxes)

• Estate planning

M&M Residential makes ample usage of the latest appraiser gadgets and gear to save you time and money. We also recognize that regardless of the industry, service is the top reason a client comes, goes, repeats or refers their friends. We keep this in mind whether you're talking to us on the phone, in e-mail or visiting in person. Finally, what it comes down to is simply an unbeatable experience for our clients. See for yourself why we're different. We offer 8am-4pm on staff office assistance 5 days a week, Call us today!